Micheline Ward

Nov 3, 20204 min

5 reasons CBD may not be working for you

Updated: Mar 28, 2021

Have you ever asked yourself, "why isn't CBD working for me?"

If you have tried CBD and you didn't notice any of the effects, you are not alone.

There are some legitimate reasons why CBD may not be working for you. It has only recently become acceptable for many after the Farm Bill of 2018, so we as a country and society are still working to define and regulate the market for accountability, as well as performing studies on CBD for human and animal uses. That means there is still confusion about what businesses are reputable to buy from, what the most effective dosage is, and how to use. All those questions can impact the effectiveness of CBD.

But don't give up on CBD just yet! Check out these reasons why CBD may not be working for you and why giving it another go could be worthwhile.


1- The CBD is not from a trustworthy source

CBD is still a new-to-market supplement. Because the industry is not yet regulated by the FDA or USDA, unfortunately companies do not have any obligation to sell quality products. Several of these CBD companies make exaggerated claims about the potency. Meaning, consumers buying from these companies are getting low-quality products that don't produce the expected benefits from CBD.

The best way to find a quality product is to find a company who practices honesty and transparency. Choose to purchase your CBD from companies that third-party test their products for quality and consistent dosages. "Third-party lab testing" means that a company will send the product to an independent company to test for the strength of CBD concentration, and to ensure there are no traces of any toxins, like mycotoxins, residual solvents, heavy metals, or pesticides. We at Hempward Farms provide ALL our lab results for every product. No need to ask us, or even search our website; it is right here, or find it in the menu at the bottom of our website.


2- You aren't taking the correct dosage

Finding the ideal CBD dose is a process which takes time and can be confusing. Different people and animals have different needs. The reason for taking CBD, the person or animal’s body weight, or their particular endocannabinoid system can all affect what an optimal dose is. This can cause deciding where to start a challenge. We have made it a point to research the best sources to base our dosing recommendations on, and have created an entire page on our site to explain it. I am also a strong advocate for logging your usage at the beginning, and have created a few sample logs that you can download to document your journey. My best advice is to start low and go slow. CBD is not toxic, which means you are not at risk of an overdose, but cannabinoids have “biphasic” properties, which means that, as the dose increases, the effects do not necessarily improve. A higher dose may actually produce the opposite effect! Therefore, we can’t stress enough the importance of taking time to determine what dose works best for you.


3- You might not be using the appropriate form of CBD

CBD has the ability for several unique responses in our bodies, and that has allowed us to use it in various ways. There are now literally dozens of different types of CBD applications - from the more conventional CBD oil tinctures you take orally to CBD cream and topicals. Depending on what goal you are wanting to address with CBD can dictate the best product to use. For instance, if you're interested in immediate relief, you might prefer a topical. If you're hoping to experience the long-term benefits of CBD, you should consider a CBD oil tincture or a CBD capsule. With these oral supplements, be sure to establish a routine and be sure to stick to it and take it consistently daily for thirty days. Skipping it for a couple days or taking it randomly can potentially disrupt its effectiveness.

Check out our FAQ page to see our full explanation on how to choose how to take CBD.

4- You are not using a full-spectrum CBD

You may have noticed CBD isolates, broad-spectrum, and full-spectrum products on the market. So what's the difference?

Full spectrum products contain all the parts of the hemp plant, which include CBD, minor cannabinoids including CBG, CBN, CBC, and THC (<0.3%) in addition to terpenes and flavonoids, fatty acids, and enzymes. Broad spectrum formulations have all the same components of the full spectrum minus the THC. CBD isolate is a refined product that "isolates" the CBD molecule and is a processed version of the hemp extract. CBD isolate doesn't contain any of the other compounds naturally found in a hemp plant. Some people might choose a CBD isolate to ensure that there is no THC or any other cannabinoids in their product, but a drawback is you don't get the full synergistic benefits that come when all the compounds work together.

Studies show that full spectrum products are most effective, due to the Entourage Effect. The Entourage Effect states the when all the cannabinoids (including CBD) and terpenes work together, the restorative benefit of the whole plant is greater than the sum of its parts. Full-spectrum hemp CBD is purely extracted and minimally refined to leave most of the hemp plant intact.

Therefore, you may not be feeling the full effects of the CBD because you're using a product that isolates the CBD molecule rather than a product that contains the CBD molecule AND the natural cannabinoids and terpenes. That is why Hempward Farms only offers Full Spectrum CBD products.


5- You might have unrealistic expectations

As much as I believe in CBD, there isn't such a thing as a magic cure-all. There are limits, and just like everything in life people are unique, and therefore have unique experiences. Each person metabolizes CBD differently, which can be due to differing metabolic speeds, biochemistry and genetic makeup. Everyone also has individual needs and lifestyles, so while many people get amazing results with CBD, we need to be realistic. That's why I encourage customers to give it an honest shot by being consistent in taking it daily for the first 30 days.

CBD is a new and emerging product category, so there is still significant research to be done to confirm the effectiveness of CBD to treat different conditions. I believe we have only seen the tip of the iceberg of what CBD is capable of.
